During Passover, as we celebrate freedom from slavery and persecution and our return to the Land of Israel, we also look towards the future and the challenges.
Israeli Minister Bennett tells CNN that Iran is another evil nation that seeks to the destroy the Jewish People. President Obama’s bad deal is helping Iran in its mission.
During Passover, as we celebrate freedom from slavery and persecution and our return to the Land of Israel, we also look towards the future and the challenges.
Senator Lindsey Graham has spoken out about the nuclear framework deal, specifically criticizing President Obama and the threat to the Middle East.
Former Secretaries of State Henry Kissinger and George Shultz have questioned the wisdom of the framework agreement between Iran and the six world powers, pointing to the serious dangers.
Iran’s President Rouhani made it clear to the world that there will be no nuclear deal unless all sanctions against Iran are removed the same day the deal is signed.